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  • Bartow County Sherif's Office

    Sheriff High Command

    Sheriff - Andre K.

    Undersheriff - Vacant

    Assistant Sheriff - Vacant

    Sheriff Major - Vacant

    Sheriff Command



    Sheriff Supervisors

    Master Sergeant

    Staff Sergeant


    Sheriff Supervisors in Training

    Senior Corporal


    Sheriff Deputies

    Senior Deputy

    Deputy III

    Deputy II

    Deputy I

    Probationary Deputy



    The Bartow County Sheriff's Office is a progressive Public Safety agency responsible for the protection of all citizens within Bartow County, by providing for the preservation of peace on our streets and neighborhoods, a safe and secure detention center, and the security of our courts. With pride, integrity, and professionalism we strive to protect the rights and self respect of all citizens. In alliance with our communities, we endeavor to provide safe neighborhoods for all. Through determination and purpose of mind, we accept the responsibility of overcoming adversity to remain effective, efficient, and responsive to the needs of our citizens. We strive to maintain a humane living and working environment through our professional correctional services. With courage and dignity, we endeavor to protect the rights of all persons equally. Professionally and personally we are responsible for our conduct. We are honest, fair, and strong of character. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of ethical conduct and strive to be role models for others. As employees, sworn or civilian, full or part-time, paid or volunteer, we are proud to belong to this agency and to promote these values. If you are looking to be a part of, not only a department but a family.


    Our commitment to legitimacy and ethical conduct

    is reflected in the manner in which we exercise the powers entrusted to us by the public.



    We will exemplify adherence to laws and professional

    regulations while executing our duties with diligence, competence, dedication, and respect for all.



    We will provide safety and security to the community;

    recognizing our responsibility to extend equal and fair treatment to everyone.



    We honor the legacy of our predecessors and commit ourselves to preserving the rich history of our department’s culture.

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