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  • File:Seal of the Atlanta Police Department.png - Wikimedia Commons

    Police Administration

    Chief Of Police

    Assistant Chief Of Police

    Deputy Chief Of Police


    Police Senior Staff



    Police Staff


    Police Staff in Training


    Police Officers


    Senior Police Officer

    Police Officer


  • Welcome to the Atlanta Police Department

    The APD is charged with keeping the City of Atlanta safe and secure. The APD strives to maintain a peaceful environment for those who live and work within City lines by enforcing the laws and regulations of Atlanta and Georgia. This is made possible by the wholehearted dedication and commitment that the APD’s Officers demonstrate each and every day. The APD Administration and people of Atlanta thank you for choosing to be a part of this brave and honorable family. Below you will find some important links with information that helps our department run efficiently and a general outline of the duties of an Officer.



    Our organization pushes to be the best of the best across the entirety of the State of Georgia. For years we have maintained and upheld this goal, and exceeded in doing so. The following mission statements are what we operate and hire based off of. We will forever stand by these ever-evolving goals. We can and will: Deescalate any intense scenario that requires our response. We can and will: Act professionally at all times, no matter the situation. We can and will: Protect and serve, regardless of the cost, day, or circumstances. We can and will: Operate to the fullest of our physical and cognitive abilities. We can and will: Utilize the equipment we have been provided, to the fullest extent possible, in order to protect the general public.


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